Almost final CERME12 proceedings available

For proper referencing of papers from the Proceedings of CERME12, including page numbers, we have now uploaded a table of contents (CLICK) of the almost 5000 pages long document – even this list of the papers (with front matter of the proceedings) is 75 pages. You can use the table of contents to look up the pages for a specific paper you want to refer to, while individual papers are conveniently searched and downloaded here. If you really want the full proceedings file, it is available here (warning : it’s 80 mega-bytes).

From the editors (13/2/23): today, we unfortunately discovered a few errors in the version mentioned above, including some papers missing both in the full file, and in the table of contents. Please send a message on any errors concerning you paper to: – as soon as possible.  To avoid changes in page numbers for the vast majority of papers already included, the missing papers will be published in an addendum, together with a list of errors (as was done for CERME11 proceedings).

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