I would like to express my thanks for the confidence I have been shown by being elected the new president of ERME. Also, I would like to repeat from the Closing Session my sincere thanks to everybody who has worked hard, both locally and internationally, to make CERME14 in Bozen-Bolzano such a great success.
I will also repeat here the announcements that I included in the Closing Session so that they are known to everybody:
- CERME15 will be held in Bratislava, Slovakia, 08-12 February, 2027
- YESS14, summer school for young researchers, will be held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 02-07 August, 2026. Announcement will follow.
Then there is CERME16, which is still completely open. A call for bids will be launched on the ERME site. Also, a call for proposals to arrange ETCs in 2026 will be launched on the ERME site.
Kind regards,