Book Series

The new ERME book series New Perspectives on Research in Mathematics Education has been established in 2018 together with the publisher Routledge. Here is the Routledge series webpage.

Own ideas for a new volume?

The ERME series editors always welcome proposals for new books. If you are interested in preparing a new volume for the ERME series because you intend to document international research in mathematics education, please approach the series editors, e.g., Naďa Vondrová Then we explain the conditions and procedures for decision.

Editors of the ERME Series

  • Nad’a Vondrova (Czech Republic, since 2017)
  • Konrad Krainer (Austria, since 2017)
  • Michiel Veldhuis (The Netherlands, since 2021)
  • Carl Winsløw (Denmark, since 2021)
  • Eirini Geraniou (UK, since 2024)

Former members: Viviane Durand-Guerrier, France (2017-2021), Susanne Prediger, Germany (2017-2024)

International Advisory Board

  • Francisco Javier García García (Spain)
  • Kenneth Ruthven (UK)
  • Alejandro Gonzàlez-Martín (Canada)
  • Avenilde Romo-Vázquez (Mexico)
  • Renaud Chorlay (France)
  • Annalisa Cusi (Italy)

Former members: Anna Sierpinska, Canada (2017-2023), Chris Rasmussen (2017-2023), Fou-Lai Lin (2017-2023), Merrilyn Goos (2017-2023), Barbara Jaworski (2017-2023)

Aims and Scope

In the ERME community and beyond, a growing body of substantial research on mathematics education has raised which is shaped by the ERME spirit of communication, cooperation, and collaboration. The ERME Series is devoted to documenting and inspiring this kind of cooperative research in Europe and worldwide.

The contributions in the ERME Series seek to understand and improve learning and teaching of mathematics at schools, colleges and universities, as well as in informal settings (e.g., related to street mathematics or to self-organized networks of teachers). The ERME Series puts an emphasis on reflecting the institutional, societal, and cultural contexts of learners, teachers and researchers and how this context shapes research and adopts a variety of perspectives on its research field.

Books in the ERME series can be sole-authored or jointly authored, growing out of the collaboration of European researchers in mathematics education (also with Non-European researchers). Such books can for example develop from conference publications of selected contributions to European Topic Conferences or joint European research, e.g., from EU-funded projects. An important criterion is to achieve a certain coherence between the different contributions.

A rigorous and constructive review procedure guarantees a high quality of the books. The books are written by and for European and Non-European researchers. An international advisory board guarantees that ERME stays connected to the rest of the world and includes also non-Europeans.

Volumes of the ERME series

  • Volume 1: Tommy Dreyfus, Michèle Artigue, Despina Potari, Susanne Prediger, & Ken Ruthven (Editors) (2018). Developing Research in Mathematics Education – Twenty Years of Communication, Cooperation and Collaboration in Europe. London: Routledge. Link to the publisher (with free preview)
  • Volume 2: Marianna Bosch, Yves Chevallard, Francisco Javier García, & John Monaghan (Editors) (2019). Working with the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic in Mathematics Education. London: Routledge. Link to the publisher (with free preview)
  • Volume 3: Stefan Zehetmeier, Despina Potari & Miguel Ribeiro (Editors) (2021). Professional development and knowledge of mathematics teachers. London: Routledge. Link to the publisher (with free preview)
  • Volume 4: Nuria Planas, Marcus Schütte, & Candia Morgan (Editors) (2021). Classroom research on mathematics and language – seeing learners and teachers differently. London: Routledge. Link to the publisher (with free preview)
  • Volume 5: Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Reinhard Hochmuth, Elena Nardi, & Carl Winsløw (Editors) (2021). Research and Development on University Mathematics Education. Overview produced by the International Network for Research in University Mathematics. London: Routledge. Link to the publisher (with free preview)
  • Volume 6: Alison Clark-Wilson, Ana Donevska-Todorova, Eleonora Faggiano, Jana Trgalova, & Hans-Georg Weigand (Editors) (2021). Mathematics Education in the Digital Age: Learning, Practice and Theory. Link to the publisher (with free preview)