CERME 3: Third Conference of the
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
28 February – 3 March 2003 in Bellaria, Italy
Group1 The role of metaphors and images in the learning and understanding of mathematics – This includes embodied cognition | Bernard Parzysz (F) Christer Bergsten (S) Josè Manuel Matos (P) Angela Pesci (IT) |
Group 2 Affect and mathematical thinking – This includes the role of beliefs, emotions, and other affective factors | Jeff Evans (UK) Markku Hannula (FI) George Philippou (CR) Rosetta Zan (IT) |
Group 3 Building structures in mathematical knowledge – This includes the way pupils construct mathematical concepts and schemes and develop thinking strategies. | Milan Hejny (CZ) Graham H. Littler (UK) Perla Nesher (IS) Melissa Rodd (UK) |
Group 4 Argumentation and proof – This includes epistemological and historical studies, learning issues and classroom situations | Rudolf vom Hofe (D) Christine Knipping (D) Maria Alessandra Mariotti (IT) Bettina Pedemonte (F) |
Group 5 Stochastic thinking – This includes pupils’ cognitive processes and difficulties and curriculum issues | Dave Pratt (UK) Carmen Batanero (E) Rolf Biehler (D) Michel Henry (F) |
Group 6 Algebraic thinking – This includes pupils’ cognitive processes and difficulties and curriculum issues | Abraham Arcavi (IL) Lucianna Bazzini (IT) Catherine Sackur (F) Pessia Tsamir (IS) |
Group 7 Geometrical thinking – This includes pupils’ cognitive processes and difficulties and curriculum issues | Jean-Luc Dorier (F) Angel Gutierrez (E) Rudolf Straesser (D) |
Group 8 Social Interactions in Mathematical Learning Situations – This includes situated learning, and the study of the classroom as a social place for learning. | Goetz Krummheuer (D) Mariolina Bartolini Bussi (IT) Marit Johnsen-Høines (N) Alison Price (UK) |
Group 9 Tools and Technologies in Mathematical Didactics – This includes teaching and learning environments. | Keith Jones (UK) Jean-Baptiste Lagrange (F) Giampaolo Chiappini (IT) Thomas Lingefjärd (S) |
Group 10 Teaching and learning mathematics in multicultural classrooms – This includes understanding pupils’ cultures, researching teaching strategies and school policies. | Núria Gorgorió (E) Guida Abreu (UK) Franco Favilli (IT) |
Group 11 Inter-relating theory and practice – This includes being a teacher-researcher, reflective teaching, action research, disseminating research results, and building theory from practice. | Andrea Peter-Koop (D) Barbara Jaworski (UK) Konrad Krainer (A) Lurdes Serrazina (P) |
Group 12 From a Study of Teaching Practices to Issues in Teacher Education – This includes teachersí beliefs and the role of the teacher in the classroom, as well as strategies for teacher education. | Barbro Grevholm (S) Josè Carrillo (E) Ruhama Even (IS) Juliana Szendrei (H) |