CERME 3: Thematic Groups

CERME 3: Third Conference of the 
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
28 February – 3 March 2003 in Bellaria, Italy

The role of metaphors and images in the learning and understanding of mathematics
– This includes embodied cognition
Bernard Parzysz (F)
Christer Bergsten (S)
Josè Manuel Matos (P)
Angela Pesci (IT)
Group 2 
Affect and mathematical thinking
– This includes the role of beliefs, emotions, and other affective factors
Jeff Evans (UK)
Markku Hannula (FI)
George Philippou (CR)
Rosetta Zan (IT)
Group 3
Building structures in mathematical knowledge
– This includes the way pupils construct mathematical concepts and schemes and develop thinking strategies.
Milan Hejny (CZ)
Graham H. Littler (UK)
Perla Nesher (IS)
Melissa Rodd (UK)
Group 4
Argumentation and proof
– This includes epistemological and historical studies, learning issues and classroom situations
Rudolf vom Hofe (D)
Christine Knipping (D)
Maria Alessandra Mariotti (IT)
Bettina Pedemonte (F)
Group 5
Stochastic thinking
– This includes pupils’ cognitive processes and difficulties and curriculum issues
Dave Pratt (UK)
Carmen Batanero  (E)
Rolf Biehler (D)
Michel Henry (F)
Group 6
Algebraic thinking
– This includes pupils’ cognitive processes and difficulties and curriculum issues
Abraham Arcavi (IL)
Lucianna Bazzini (IT)
Catherine Sackur (F)
Pessia Tsamir (IS)
Group 7
Geometrical thinking
– This includes pupils’ cognitive processes and difficulties and curriculum issues
Jean-Luc Dorier (F)
Angel Gutierrez (E)
Rudolf Straesser (D)
Group 8
Social Interactions in Mathematical Learning Situations
– This includes situated learning, and the study of the classroom as a social place for learning.
Goetz Krummheuer (D)
Mariolina Bartolini Bussi (IT)
Marit Johnsen-Høines (N)
Alison Price (UK)
Group 9
Tools and Technologies in Mathematical Didactics
– This includes teaching and learning environments.
Keith Jones (UK)
Jean-Baptiste Lagrange (F)
Giampaolo Chiappini (IT)
Thomas Lingefjärd (S)
Group 10
Teaching and learning mathematics in multicultural classrooms
– This includes understanding pupils’ cultures, researching teaching strategies and school policies.
Núria Gorgorió (E)
Guida Abreu (UK)
Franco Favilli (IT)
Group 11
Inter-relating theory and practice
– This includes being a teacher-researcher, reflective teaching, action research, disseminating research results, and building theory from practice.
Andrea Peter-Koop (D)
Barbara Jaworski (UK)
Konrad Krainer (A)
Lurdes Serrazina (P)
Group 12
From a Study of Teaching Practices to Issues in Teacher Education
– This includes teachersí beliefs and the role of the teacher in the classroom, as well as strategies for teacher education.
Barbro Grevholm (S)
Josè Carrillo (E)
Ruhama Even (IS)
Juliana Szendrei (H)